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Selasa, 10 Maret 2015

There Is No Try....

In the movie Star Wars, the wise Yoda says, "Do or do not, there is no try."

Very insightful. 
That's because so many of us (yes "US". Myself included. I will admit) think about a goal and we say, 
"I'll try to do this." 
But as soon as the word "try" enters your thoughts or over your lips, you're already telling your mind that you may not succeed. 
You'll try.

So now is the time to banish that word from your vocabulary. 
Quit "trying." 
Instead, start doing. 
Instead of, "I'll try…" tell yourself,
"I will…"
So what is it that you WILL do?
Make that phone call you know you need to make?
Stick to a workout/diet?
End that toxic relationship?
Write that book (James)
Call that sibling
Quit that job
Have that baby (or practice later today :-) )
Forgive yourself for your past?
Whatever it is.... will you agree to stop trying today?
Will you do it?
I know you can...
P. James "doing it and doing it and doing it well" Holland
Coach Comeback
Ps. If you signed up for the free coaching call (any of them. Most were a buzz about the reverse birddogging system we gave away for free last weekend) that was offered and have not gotten scheduled yet, my apologies.
We had more people than we expected to sign up.
We will be trying to get everyone in this week.  
For faster reply and to shoot me a reminder if we missed you, please add me on skype asap!
Skype id:here.to.inspire
Or. If you already have skype installed and running, simply click here and it will open the dialogue to request contacts.
Talk soon.
enable images for some awesome inspiration









*IMPORTANT NOTICE* I do my best to personally respond to all my emails. And I usually fail due to the sheer volume. So if you have sent me something and I have missed it. My apologies. If this is a problem with a product or service, your best option to get answered the fastest is to create a support ticket.


If you just want to say hello or general conversation or tips or questions, then ask me on skype and join the group. That is much easier for me to see. Links by clicking the icons below


3rd option is the facebook group.  But email should be last resort.  Thank you for understanding.


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