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Kamis, 26 Maret 2015

Moving Day 2-Day Sale


It is that time again!

This time not so dramatic.... yet.

We wont be moving 3000 miles like we did just about 6 months ago from Wilmington, North Carolina to our current place in South Lake Tahoe California/Nevada.

I have both because where we are, when we walk to get tacos at Maya's, you are in California. If you cross the street, you are in Nevada.

Kind of cool.

But we have got the "itch" again (no worries. nothing we need shots for). We want to move again.

We want to move to Vegas (yes, again (actually, we want to move to Hawaii, but they have crazy 4-6 month quaranteen laws to bring pets with you so we figured we would wait in vegas while we figure that out. But by the end of of 2015... we WILL be living in Hawaii. Wana know how? Keep reading)). So what better way to fund the move than to pass on a deal to you?

Well... we actually don't need the money for the move. Let me explain...

If you have been following our journey, you might already know that in 2013 we traveled almost 6000 miles moving from New York, to California for the summer, then to North Carolina at the end of the year.

Then we broke our unwritten rule of moving every 6-12 months (while we don't have kids and are still young and adventurous) by staying in NC for almost all of 2014 so we could get married.

I know... lame excuse to postpone moving again right? lol

Well... in order to live this lifestyle, we have to travel light. We took Tim Ferriss's advice in 4-hour workweek of "one bag" to heart!

We are now down to the essentials. No "stuff" tying us down. When we move, we sell all of our furniture and get "new" (to us) stuff when we get to out new location.

We just happened to get lucky enough to find a fully furnished place here in Lake Tahoe... So we literally purchased nothing this time.

That's right, we have our clothes and my laptop. And it gives us the freedom to pickup and move whenever we want.

If we needed to, we could decide to move right now and be in vegas in time to catch a late show. Pile everything into the car and off we go. All we need is enough for gas. And it is only about a 6 hour drive from here.

As long as there is wifi of course. That is all we need to survive by just doing exactly what I teach in Really Simple Launches. Which shows how to setup businesses that pay you whether you are there or not, from anywhere in the world, without any experience needed.

Yes, people think my wife Sisi and I are crazy. Hell... WE think we are crazy!

Some people would spend the earnings on a gigantic house. Or maybe what most people crave.. a new car. Fancy new plasma TV, jewelry, Clothes... or whatever else "normal" people buy these days.

We like to spend our money on life experiences. Why save up all year for a one week vacation to an exoctic place... when you can just move there for usually less?

After living in California most of my life, I realized that most of the places people DREAM and WISH they could live are actually cheaper than homes here. NOt kidding. Spend a little time googling homes for sale and rent in places that we are considering like; US Virgin Islands, Costa Rica, Cancun, Cabo San Lucas, Bahamas and yes, even Hawaii.

Then compare that to something that is within even 5 miles of the ocean in San Diego.


That is our thinking anyway. Neither is right or wrong. It is whatever makes the best life for you. Each of us has our own vision of what "paradise" means. As long as you are following it... then rock on!

But I digress...

To celebrate our new move, I am doing my semi-annual-yet-sometimes-not-at-all special sale of my signature products.

Really Simple Launches has been the foundation of countless students success stories. A few bringing in well over 6 figures their first year online.

It happens to be one of the most requested programs I offer for a payment plan (which you may know I typically do not offer).

So here we are...

2 day special for Really Simple Launches.

Only offering 5 at one-time payment discount and 13 at the payment plan.

Any questions... just reply.

See you inside

P. James "Soon to be Epically Tanned" Holland
Coach Comeback











*IMPORTANT NOTICE* I do my best to personally respond to all my emails. And I usually fail due to the sheer volume. So if you have sent me something and I have missed it. My apologies. If this is a problem with a product or service, your best option to get answered the fastest is to create a support ticket.


If you just want to say hello or general conversation or tips or questions, then ask me on skype and join the group. That is much easier for me to see. Links by clicking the icons below


3rd option is the facebook group.  But email should be last resort.  Thank you for understanding.


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