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Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

[Limited] Yet Another Free Product For You - Act Fast


Seems like my decision to NOT launch any more products has been waaay more beneficial for YOU than me lol.

Because, now.. every time I have an idea for something new... I am just giving it to YOU ... my loyal email reader... first and free.. before we decide the fate of the training.

This will be the new wave of TSRW (This Stuff Really works) and RECPR (Real Estate CPR - Real Estate Training)... It will soon just be one big authority site with loads of training on every topic you can think of... at a monthly price. That way I can just keep adding new content for members like you.. and not have to focus on doing a traditional "launch".

Which gives me more time to focus on brining you more content rather than on marketing.... bleeeecht!

So today, I am RE-releasing a LIVE private training that was held at the end of last year. It was a 3 day event where we covered everything.

No sales page yet. Which is a good thing for you... because that means as long as you register before the sales page is done you will get it for free.

And... if you are alread a "lifetime" member.. obviously when the new changes take place you will never ever be effected. You will continue to have it all for the very low one-time cost. (which will also be removed once all the changes and the transition are complete).

So for now, register and enjoy the new training found here.

P.James "Here To Inspire" Holland
Coach Comeback









*IMPORTANT NOTICE* I do my best to personally respond to all my emails. And I usually fail due to the sheer volume. So if you have sent me something and I have missed it. My apologies. If this is a problem with a product or service, your best option to get answered the fastest is to create a support ticket.


If you just want to say hello or general conversation or tips or questions, then ask me on skype and join the group. That is much easier for me to see. Links by clicking the icons below


3rd option is the facebook group.  But email should be last resort.  Thank you for understanding.


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