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Jumat, 02 September 2016

Options For Residential Real Estate Investor Columbus OH

Options For Residential Real Estate Investor Columbus OH

by Joseph Bell

Basically, real estate is generally property consisting of land as well as buildings on it. It may also consist of minerals and crops. On the other hand, realty property business involves the profession of selling, buying and renting buildings and land. However, you can choose to be a residential real estate investor Columbus OH. This involves property with either single or multifamily structures, usually available for occupation normally for non-business purposes.

Residences can be categorized on if and how they are affiliated to the neighboring residences and land. Again, different types of tenure may be used for similar physical type. For example, an individual entity may own the connected residences and then lease them out, or the residences may be owned separately but agreements made to cover the link between units and common areas.

If looking to invest in residential realty property, it is very important you look at what is available, as well as how your lifestyle and needs may change later in the future. Basically, there are different kinds of residential properties that you can choose from.

One option you might consider when selecting a residential property investment is a single family home. These are the homes that are constructed on a single lot without shared walls. In some cases, they have a garage either attached or detached. These types of homes tend to give more privacy and space compared to other types. In most cases, they have a private front and back yards. On the other hand, since the property is not shared, you can choose any design that you like. You will also have a reliable resell value unlike with other types. The downside of single homes is that all maintenance costs falls on the homeowner.

You could also decide to venture in condos or condominium. The condos are individual units hosted in some large building. Condos normally share a wall or two with neighboring units with the occupants needed to settle yearly or monthly payments. On the other hand, condominiums are common in urban regions and regions high density and a lot of restaurants as well as shops. The maintenance and upkeep responsibilities on the condominiums are minimal to the owner.

On the other hand, townhouses are a hybrid between single family homes and the condos. They usually have multiple floors but share one wall or two, with a rooftop deck and a yard space in some cases. They are also larger than condos but smaller than single homes. They have higher privacy than condominiums and appear to be more affordable than the single-family homes.

Cooperatives or co-ops is another different way of owning a shared building. With co-ops, all people own the building together, while in condos, you own the space in your unit. Because of the shared ownership, an interview is often conducted in order to become part of the community.

A less popular residential property is the multi-family homes. Here, the homes are simply converted into units, either two or more. They also have multiple floors but can also be row-house style. Usually, they range from a duplex to a four-plex, while anything beyond is considered commercial.

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Title: Options For Residential Real Estate Investor Columbus OH
Author: Joseph Bell
Email: nathanwebster335@live.com
Keywords: residential real estate investor Columbus OH
Word Count: 531
Category: Real Estate

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