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Senin, 05 September 2016

Discover Facts On War Dogs

Discover Facts On War Dogs

by Gregory Ellis

Viewed as important military members, they are highly trained dogs that are bestowed on them great responsibilities when in battle fields. Specific breeds as the German shepherd, retriever and Belgian malinois are highly considered for such roles over other dog breeds. Special tasks usually assigned to these war dogs would include, protecting other members of the military, drug detection, weapon detection and the detection of explosives.

History tells that they have often been mans greatest aide when faced by danger. Similarly, these animals have often helped humans accomplish most of their historical undertakings. An example is when man used them to safeguard captured individuals during the American civil war. From a wide array of animals, they are picked for such services due to their distinctive and often advantageous characteristics. Such would include, fast learning abilities, loyalty, good smelling abilities and athleticism.

While in training, they get to have well trained personnel to handle and manage them. Such individuals usually are referred to as the dog handler. Similarly, while on the battlefield, such handlers normally are assigned to them. It is required that each dog specializes on a particular field after an average training period of 90 days. Such fields of specialization would include, military personnel protection, explosive detection and drug protection.

Additionally, it is required that these animals utilize protective equipment while in war zones. Such equipment would similarly equip the dog with several capabilities as, parachuting and clear communication contact from their handlers. Better still, technology ensures that such equipment is both comfortable and highly efficient at fulfilling its protective purposes.

Just as soldiers face mental disorders after facing the rigors of war, so do these dogs. In most cases such post traumatic disorders on these animals surface through various easily notable symptoms. These symptoms would include, hyper vigilance, withdrawal, poor task undertaking, tendencies to wander off and a deterioration of the pre-existing dog-handler relationship. Luckily there exists extensive medical interventions for such psychological problems.

Additionally, as a show of gratitude and respect, these animals usually are rewarded with medals and titles for all heroic deeds performed while in battle. Most acclaimed of such awards is the PDSA dickin medal. An award that is considered a great honor to the awarded. Furthermore, memorable ceremonies usually are conducted in honor of those that they get killed in action.

They get to rest after long working years. This in the homes of individuals who choose to adopt the veterans. The adoption programs make this possible and further make sure that such animals properly fit in their new environments. This by ensuring that constant visits are made to the retired ones. Additionally, special care is provided to them that sustained grievous injuries while in service.

The role of these animals in the human history is undeniable. This given the various important historic events that they participated in. It therefore would be unfair to leave out these heroes while recording the humans history.

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Title: Discover Facts On War Dogs
Author: Gregory Ellis
Email: nathanwebster335@live.com
Keywords: war dogs
Word Count: 496
Category: Pets

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